PhD research


The current model of student voice practice popularly adopted by post-compulsory provisions for learning-disabled students is that of student representation on a student council. Although there is some epistemic power in the collective voice, this model only really 'hears' the views of the most articulate and confident students and struggles to meaningfully engage the broader student voice. My aim is to support student councils to adopt a more student-led approach which is based upon peer research, so as to involve the wider college community.

Landscape map - poster. Helen Evans.pdf


My participatory PhD investigates the value of an inclusive Students as Researchers (iSaR) model of student voice within the context of specialist colleges for students with learning disabilities.

The study followed the recruitment, training and research activities of a specifically-formed iSaR group within a residential provision for learning disabled and autistic young people (16-25 year-olds) in the UK. Over five academic terms, the group received accessible training in research skills before following cycles of action research in attempt to make a difference to something meaningful to them.

The study also involved the facilitation of a series of 4-8 'Student-led research' workshops in other specialist provisions in the West Midlands.


My PhD study's primary research question asks:

Using Wenger-Trayner's (2020) Value Creation Framework, what is the value of an inclusive Students as Researchers (iSaR) model of student voice, perceived and experienced by participating students who have learning disabilities, the researcher, participating staff and leaders?


-Practitioner Guide

Over the course of my fieldwork, I have developed my knowledge and practice using student-led approaches. I have created a Practitioner Guide and distributed it to Student Voice practitioners nationally, via Natspec's LVP network.


- Community of Practice

Through delivery of workshops, I have seen how effectively the iSaR model has worked in various SEND FE contexts. To develop the model further, I would need to collaborate with other practitioners who share my interest in student-led approaches. To this end, I have set up a Community of Practice.


This research is being conducted under the careful and supportive guidance of my two supervisors: Dr. Andrea MacLeod and Prof. Karen Guldberg from the University of Birmingham. A world of thanks for their encouragement and belief in me.

This research is being funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) through a scholarship awarded by the Midlands Graduate Schools Doctorate Training Programme (MGSDTP).

Thanks also to the featured provisions for accommodating this research.