My journey

Early Motherhood and the Arts

Leaving education at 16 to have a child has only ever propelled me forward in life. It allowed me some precious time to not only enjoy motherhood, but also the cognitive space to devote to my music and art. My experiences of busking and performing on stage have been highly beneficial to my teaching career and prospective research career.

Access to HE

Without getting political, the Labour government subsidised those of us without sufficient UCAS points to study A-Level equivalent qualifications for a year. Having left sixth-form college to become a mother, the Access to HE course was where it all started for me!  

I chose psychology and literature - the former ignited my interest, but the latter captured my heart.

BA (Hons) in Literature 

Over six years, I immersed myself in poetry, prose and drama alongside providing learning support work at the local college and completing my teacher training. 

A whole year of Shakespeare. A whole year of Creative Writing.     It was indeed heavenly... and I got a first!

Late Motherhood and a MEd in Special Education (Autism - Adults)

Having worked with autistic young adults for many years, I felt ready for a new challenge... I didn't bank on the further challenge of writing the final year dissertation into the early hours of most nights, whilst a small child precariously slept! Awarded with distinction!!

I consider myself very lucky to have been sponsored by my employer to do this amazing and insightful course. To hear directly from autistic scholars and advocates continuously reframes one's idea of autism.

Masters in Social Research

To have the opportunity to learn research philosophy, processes, ethics and methods AND pilot the training element of my PhD study is most fortunate to say the least. With another distinction awarded, I feel confident that my PhD study will be of interest and import to many working in my field and beyond.